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Live According to the Plan of God

By Jijo Philip, CSC –

Readings: Jas 2:1-9; Mk 8:27-33

The readings of the day present to us the reality or two different aspects of our human life. Peter’s answer to Jesus, ‘you are the Son of living God’ was from his own experience of Jesus in his life and today Jesus is asking the same question to you and to me. Are we ready to answer this question of Jesus? Do we have an experience of Jesus in order to answer the question of Jesus?

Very often we get taken up by the appreciation that we receive from others and we fail to experience the reality of our own life. That’s what happened to Peter and he became a block for Jesus in doing his ministry.

Today it is an invitation for us to examine our own life: Is Jesus saying to us, ‘you are a rock and on this rock I will build my house,’ or ‘get behind me Satan because your ways are human ways not God’s ways’? Today let us pray for the grace that we may not just go by our feelings alone, but we may find the presence and the plan of Jesus in our life and live according to the plan of God.