Listen to What God is Speaking and Respond

Most Rev Prakash Mallavarapu
Archbishop of Vizag

In this month of August we have the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin into Heaven and it is also the festival for the nation, Independence Day! For the pastoral clergy we have the important feast of Saint John Maria Vianney to remind them of the kind of dedicated service and simplicity of life that is expected from the pastors of the Christian community.

The Catholic Bishops Council of India (CBCI) has invites us to observe Prison Ministry Sunday, Justice Sunday, and CCBI is directing the all the dioceses to celebrate “Youth Sunday.” We are not going to have the usual celebrations of these festivals or days of national and Ecclesial importance. But, we need to observe these days in prayer and reflection as these have in them something connected to our personal life and to our life in the society and in the nation.

COVID-19 Corona Virus deprived us of celebrations

COVID-19 Corona Virus has already taken away the joy which celebrations give us. Many celebrations are either cancelled altogether or they are reduced to a bare minimum; just within the house; no extra people, no elaborate decorations, or any external hangama. It is rather disappointing that even many family gatherings for birthdays or anniversaries, and religious festivals are not possible.

Even for marriages more than certain restricted number cannot be invited! All these are accepted, sometimes grudgingly, for the only reason of avoiding the danger of contracting the Covid-19 Corona virus! As for the Christian Community, Sundays, and Solemnities, special celebrations and prayer gatherings at the parish level are either mostly cancelled or are celebrated with minimum number and without the usual music and singing. It is disappointing or even frustrating to imagine that these situations would continue for many more months to come!

How do we handle this disappointment or this disturbing situation? Celebrations or no celebrations, we should take time to look at the important days for our life of faith and for our life in the present day circumstances. Directly or indirectly our life is connected to the significant areas or aspects of life that these festivals or days of national or ecclesial importance highlight. Of course, a vast majority of us can be indifferent to these things and only some elected or self-appointed leaders or those in responsible positions by assignment or appointment speak about them!

Fulfillment of God’s plan for the Blessed Mother and Assumption into Heaven

The Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother reminds us of the culmination point of fulfilment God’s plan for her life. Her life has been a journey of faith, both before and after the annunciation through Archangel Gabriel, the moment at which “she conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.”  She listens and she accepts; she surrenders herself to the plan God was disclosing: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord!” It is faith at work from the beginning till the end of her journey of faith.

General plan is disclosed but the details of the realization of that plan were revealed as she journeyed as the chosen Mother of the Son of the Most High. At every stage listens, ponders to understand what is revealed, and with faith accept: “But Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart” (Lk 2: 19; 2:51).

This journey of faith of Our Blessed Mother is in the same pattern of the journey of faith of the people of Israel, starting with the calling of Abraham, the father of faith, ‘hearing, believing and awaiting for the fulfilment of the promise (promises!) of God’.

Right from the time of the call of Abraham, God keeps speaking and in that speaking He keeps calling the people revealing to individuals as well as the whole people, to keep going on the journey to the destined goal, be it a mission or a place He is calling to. The one who listens to God speaking receives the message with faith and with the same disposition of faith accepts to order one’s life according to the direction or instruction in what he hears.

In this ordering of one’s life is shown the obedience of the recipient of the message and his or her commitment to follow what God is instructing, to be or to do. For us who are celebrating the Solemnity of Assumption of Our Blessed Mother try to see if our life lived as a “journey of faith.” If our life has to be a journey of faith, it is also a journey towards the fulfilment of our vocation. We should hear what God is speaking and respond to what he is asking us to be or to do!

Tomorrow: Faith as light that illumines the path of life