Mustard Seed

Like the Mustard Seed, Contribute in Little Ways

By Ruwnglal Friny Peter csc –

Readings: Wis 12: 13, 16-17; Rom 8: 26-27; Mt 13: 24-43

Life is filled with stories of every sort; filled with messages, lessons, values, and humor. These stories serve the purpose of imparting truth, knowledge, and reality of life. Most priests, preachers, professors, teachers, and even parents use stories to communicate and teach values.

Through relevant stories, we can make people understand and grasp difficult concepts in an easy manner. This is exactly what Jesus Christ did in today’s Gospel reading. He used the Parables of Weeds among the Wheat, the Mustard Seed and the Yeast to explain what the kingdom of God is.

Through these parables, Jesus communicates how to reflect on the kingdom of God in our daily encounters with the cosmos, fellow human beings, and God. It is to dedicate fully to God by sharing one’s genuine life story with people in the ministry places. This is the need of our time: to go back to our roots and stories.

I did realize that we all have stories pertaining to our personal lives. The tough missions of the Church in France, Africa, Bengal, and Kandhamal district in Odisha remain strong witness to our Christian vocation of building and making the Kingdom of God known on earth. With experiences of many holy men and women in society and the church, each one has a story to tell.

The scripture passages of today invite us to contribute in little ways, just like the mustard seed for the growth of the kingdom of God. We are also called to stand united and be rooted in faith, hope, and love because we can achieve much when we engage with a spirit of union and cooperation in God’s vineyard. Lastly, what would be the best story of your life to tell God and his people?