Let Us Surrender at the Feet of The Lord

By Joseph Inbaraj csc –

Readings: Heb 10:19-25; Mk 4:21-23

The readings of the day invite us to shift from self-centered thinking to other-centered thinking. From my experience I would say that, children think of themselves and the grownups think of others. Of course, it is a difficult mental shift because we are naturally self-fascinated and many would encourage us to think of ourselves. The self-centeredness is like placing lamp under the bushel. We do not keep the lamp under the bushel; rather we keep it on the lampstand so that it may dispel darkness around the place.

The lamp reminds us of the need to become persons who cast away darkness and gloom from the lives of people who are around us. The lamp gives us the radiance, by self-emptying and sacrificing itself. The lamp challenges us to burn our lives in service of others, we are not called to feel for others but deal with it, in other words not to hide from the challenges and the struggles of others rather help them to succeed.

Let us ask ourselves: Do I live my life by allowing Jesus’ light to radiate in all our actions and thoughts? Am I ready to sacrifice my life for others? We shall surrender ourselves at the feet of the Lord that his light may enlighten us.