Let Us Strive to Become Holy

By Aldo Brandon Vibi csc –

Readings: Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46

The readings of the day invite you and me to grow in holiness. All Christians are obliged to become holy persons. Whenever we hear the word ‘holiness’, we tend to think of it as something that only applies to religious and priests. This is an invitation for all the faithful because our heavenly Father is holy. When we read the genealogy of Jesus, we see various characters. Some of them were sinners and God made them holy. It gives us hope that everyone can become holy. Holiness is seeing God in oneself and others.

In today’s gospel, Jesus denounces Pharisees and the lawyers. They were the leaders of Jewish community who neglected justice and love. They failed to experience God in their life and demanded respect from people. A father should live an integrated life to teach values to his child. We Christians are blessed to have received sacraments. It grants us the necessary grace to become holy.

The Holy Spirit stirs our hearts whenever we fall into evil tendencies. The Wisdom of Solomon 3:5 says, “Having been disciplined a little they receive great good, because God tested them worthy of himself.” Striving to grow into holiness is our everyday work. When we discipline ourselves a little in our workplaces and homes to live an integrated life, we can certainly make positive impact on others. As we believe in the work of the Holy Spirit in our life, let us strive to become holy.