Let Us Not Ignore the Ultimate Giver of Happiness

By Pritam Dangwar csc –

Readings: Heb 7: 25-8:6; Mk 3:7-12

Today’s first reading speaks about Jesus Christ, the high priest of all time, who saves people who go to him in humility and with a contrite heart. It is Jesus who saved all humanity by offering himself to God the Father and to give us life in abundance. He gives himself to God as an offering.

Jesus today invites me too to make sacrifices. In today’s context I can forgo my desires, fantasies, and my cravings for certain things in order help my brothers and friends in their need. Sometimes I need to sacrifice my own personal time and choose to be with my community members to build a strong relationship. I experience that availability and sacrifices are a must in life.

As I am a consecrated religious I understand that Christ himself is the best example for my life. I shall go to him who showed me how much he loved me by stretching out his arms. The gospel reading is about a multitude of people who followed Jesus instantly for he cured many people across the region. In him, there is a spring of life and life in abundance. Whenever our life goes for a toss, we try to seek happiness in material things, gadgets, alone-time, but forget to approach him who is the ultimate giver of happiness.

Sometimes we approach him only when we want something and forget him on other occasions of our life. We are called to understand that the following of the Lord demands sacrifices and consistency even if we do not see extraordinary miracles.