Let Us Cultivate True Prayer

By Kulanthai Albert csc –

Readings: Joel 2:12-18; 2Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6,16-18

Today we begin the grace filled season of Lent. Ash Wednesday, a holy day of prayer, fasting and almsgiving remind and sets a stage to reflect over the theme “Father who sees in secret will reward”. This day puts the foundation for the season of Lent. The liturgy of the day invites us to set the foundation for our spiritual life through prayer, fasting and almsgiving from the heart, which is seen by the Father who is the creator and author of our lives.

The first reading from the book of prophet Joel says that the heart which is fasting, weeping, and mourning will receive God’s mercy. If my joys and sorrows are expressed from the heart, I will receive God’s love and mercy that will reveal the true disposition of the heart, which is in search of God. In the second reading St. Paul says that we are ambassadors for Christ. Once we recognize God’s love and grace in our hearts, we become an instrument for God to work.

Every spiritual person’s life is guided by certain principles and values; today the gospel reading gives three basic premises which will guide our spiritual life. They are, true fasting from the heart which does not seek others’ attention for fasting, true almsgiving from the heart which does not seek others’ notice for false public show, and true prayer from the heart which does not seek public recognition for once self-glory. Therefore, let us cultivate true prayer, fasting, and almsgiving which come from the heart and which seek God’s love and mercy.