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Let Rule of Love Prevail

By Francis Gayang csc –

Readings: 1Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Mk 7:1-13

Jesus was upset with the behaviour of the Scribes and Pharisees. Honouring God for them means strict observance of human traditions and external rituals. This revealed the hollowness of their spiritual life.

Jesus dared to contradict them, quoting the words of Prophet Isaiah, “This people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me” (Mk 7:6; Is 29:13). This is exactly why God says, (Mt 9:13; Hos 6:6) “I desire mercy not sacrifice.” The commandments have become a strict measuring rod for punishment in their hands.

God has become a property of the dominant and a subject of oppression towards those who are poor and ignorant. The wrong application of traditions is at the expense of their life. Throughout his ministry, Jesus showed that life is of priority, even the commandments set before us are to save life and not to pass judgement on others. It is a principle of conduct to observe and help each other to live an upright life.

The challenge for me, who is in training to be a priest, is ‘how do I interpret the word of God in my ministry places? Does my preaching build a relationship with God or threaten those who feel unworthy?’

My duty is to not pass judgement but to extend the knowledge of God’s love and experience the bliss in being together with him. Observing our human traditions are not the absolute way of pleasing God but keeping his commandments and letting the rule of love prevail are all that counts.