Let Love, Compassion Dwell in Our Homes

By Vicky Lamin Gayang, CSC –

Readings: Sir 3: 2-6; Col 3: 12-21; Mt 2: 13-15, 19-23

Today the Church commemorates the feast of Holy Family: Jesus, Mary and Joseph (JMJ). Family is a gratuitous gift of God. It is a small basic Christian School or institution where we first receive love and faith in Jesus Christ.

The Holy Family at Nazareth is a model for our families. We call them Holy Family, but that does not mean they did not have problems, difficulties, struggles and pains. As a family they did face problems and difficulties like other families. Can you imagine how much pain and struggles that Joseph and Mary had to go through in bringing Jesus into this world? However what makes them to stand firm together to overcome all the problems and difficulties is their mutual love, prayer, obedience to God’s word and their total surrender and trust in the providence of God. Therefore Mary and Joseph have shown us a great example how a Christian family should be.

All families are called to be holy like the Holy Family of Nazareth. What makes a family holy is when we keep God as the centre of our family. Moreover, our family becomes holy when we allow the Word of God and the peace of Christ to rule and dwell in our family. Let us strive to make our family holy by imitating the example of the Holy Family at Nazareth. May our families be a home in which love, compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience and forgiveness prevail.

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