‘Let it be Done to Me, According to Your Word’

By Francis Gayang csc –

Readings: Gen 3: 9-15; Eph 1: 3-6, 11-12; Lk 1: 26-38

In the annunciation narrative, Mary did not say to the Angel, “Okay, I will do it,” but responded, “Let it be done to me according to thy word.” The Angel did not ask, ” Mary will you be the mother the Emmanuel?” Instead, the Angel gave her a direct message, “Mary, you have found favour with God, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and name him, Jesus.”

Mary’s role in the salvation history is a plan foretold by the prophet Isaiah (7:14) that a pure young woman shall bear a son and name him Emmanuel. Her life inspires me to live my unique role in God’s plan for the establishment of his kingdom. Though my role may be on a smaller scale, God has a mission for me to work.

Mary, the perfect example of obedience, teaches me to learn, cooperate, and trust in the inscrutable design of God. Like her, I too do not have to see the orange to start planting the tree. It is the trust and belief in the eschatological plan of God that assures me of the fruitful result. Mary responded to the task with a human heart, without focusing on the challenges that was ahead of her. Her trust in the wisdom of God is tremendous, “Let it be done to me according to thy word.”

Do you and I have such trust in God when we leave all our family members to pursue our vocation? Do we fully present ourselves, ‘Lord, here I am, tell me to do and I will obey’? or are we giving advice to the Lord instead, like ‘here is my plan Lord, so work accordingly?’

Mary’s title, ‘Immaculate Conception’ may be decorative, but this is the fruit of her courageous response and childlike trust in God. Mary invites me to obey and trust in the plan of God and learn to discern his unique plan in my life with complete trust and obedience. ‘Let it be done to me, according to your word.’