Let Him Dwell in Us

By Also Vibi Brandon csc –

Readings: 1Kgs 19:4-8; Eph 4:30-5:2; Jn 6:41-51

In today’s gospel reading Jesus says he is the living bread and we believe in him. He is the strength for us to live our journey of life.

The first reading says that the angel of the Lord appeared to Elijah and told him to eat the food; otherwise the journey would be too much for him. The Eucharistic Lord is reminding us to believe in him otherwise our journey of life would be burdensome.

The pandemic impact on our life is terrible. We are worried about our future. We are eagerly longing to see him. He says ‘I am broken for you.’ Christ comes to us in various ways. Through the grace of faith he strengthened us amidst the Covid crisis. I am healthy today to see the presence of Christ in the Eucharistic celebration.

During the holy hour of adoration people are healed and they are filled with new spirit to continue their lives. It is the proof of the presence of the living bread. Jesus used ‘bread’ symbolically to tell that he nourishes us every day. We are not aware of the Eucharistic Lord’s presence in our life. I believe that Jesus meets us through our friends, colleagues and neighbors. Let us believe that he dwells among us.