Lending a Helping Hand

By Naresh Namindla, CSC –

Readings: Wis 18: 14-16, 19: 6-9; Lk 18: 1-8

We are living in a world, where everything is fast and ‘furious’. We look forward to things to happen instantly. Therefore, we have moved from 1GB RAM, 2GB to 4GB and even to the extent of 6GB in our electronic communications and network. Because we are moving in a faster world, we expect even our spiritual life to be faster.

Because we expect our spiritual life to be as fast as we think, we tend to lose the value of patience in us and as a result, we tend to lose trust in God as we do not get what we wished for in prayer at that moment. But Jesus through the parable of persistent widow is assuring us of his helping hand to those who persevere in prayer, trust in his providence and wait patiently.

God knows when to grant our wish and when we are in need of it. If an unjust judge could help a widow just to get rid of her, how much generous Jesus would be towards us who cry for help day and night? Therefore we are not to lose trust in God, instead we must increase our faith that Jesus will stretch out his helping hand when we need it.