Learn to Sacrifice Comfort and Pleasure

Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: Ex 12:1-8,11-14; 1Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15

Today we celebrate the institution of two of the sacraments by Jesus at His last supper with His disciples, namely, the Eucharist and the Holy Order or Priesthood. Both the sacraments call us to become humble and be a servant leader. They invite us to be available for the service of God and neighbour. In the Gospel reading Jesus showed us the real meaning of service by washing the feet of His disciples. For him service demands humility, selfgiving and self forgetfulness.

As we reflect on the institutions of the sacraments, the first reading and gospel focus on the continuity of the Holy Eucharist from the Jewish festival of Passover. The Passover was the meal that showed Israel’s transition from slavery to freedom from Egypt, and the Eucharist marks our transition from sin to becoming God’s children.

The second reading invites us to remember the celebration of the Eucharist and to proclaim it till the Lord comes again. This implies a call for us to live a life of service of God and others. Like Jesus who gave up his body and blood on the cross as a sacrifice, we are called to break ourselves for others by reaching out to them in their needs. We can do this in many ways by sacrificing our time and energy, comfort and pleasure.