Learn to be Patient and Pray Continually

Akhsi Wary csc –

Readings: 3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18: 1-8

The First reading of the day is an exhortation by John to provide hospitality and other assistance for travelling missionaries. John commended those like Gaius who welcome strangers and show hospitality to those who bring the gospel. By rendering these helps to strangers they become fellow workers in the truth and in spreading the good news the whole world. We too are called to obey the same command “he who loves God should love his brothers also” 1Jn 4:21.

Yes, we are called to love and care for others with proper disposition in heart. It’s not a burden to reach out and care for others, rather an opportunity to exercise God’s love for others. It’s not one- or two-days business, but lifetime commitment and persistence. Therefore, gospel reading gives us a glimpse of God’s response to our commitment and persistence. God listens to us and give us what we need provided we are persistent and hope full in our disposition.

Widow in the gospel is the model of persistence for all of us. It’s only her confidence and persistence that gave her what she asked for. She knew deep down in her heart that God never abandoned one of his own that is her unquestionable confidence in God . It’s true at times we don’t find what we ask for, we feel that I have waited long enough yet no answer, it does not mean God does not want to listen to us perhaps He has got better plan for us because God knows us better than we know ourselves. Hence, we should consider those moments as time for learning to be patient and to pray continually not out of desperation, but in hope and confidence. God does not abandon one of His own.