Know God Through Our Actions and Words

By Joseph Inbaraj csc –

Readings: Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16

The readings of the day invite me to strengthen my prayer life which leads me closer to God. At every important event in the life of Jesus, he spent enough time with God in prayer. He prayed at his baptism, then before he began his public ministry and so on. Especially in today’s Gospel, Jesus spends his whole night in prayer before he selects his apostles. Jesus found meaning in his prayer. He listens to the voice of God before he takes any decisions.

As I look back into my life, most of the time I am struck by negative factors that makes me pessimistic. But this feeling is groundless if I have faith in God, his goodness and mercy. It is listening to his voice and acting upon its directions that may lead me to do what is good. It is through prayer that God gives me the light of conscience to guide my moral decisions and above all, to love good, and avoid evil.

God indeed speaks to us always, but we often fail to listen to his voice. That is why we need to spend our time in prayer, listen to him and get to know his will. Let the voice of God make our lives enthusiastic that others may benefit and know God through our actions and words.