Keep Faith in Jesus

By Ajit Kumar Takiri

Readings: 1 Cor 15: 1-8; Jn 14: 6-14

Today, as we celebrate the feast of Saints Philip and James, the Apostles of Jesus Christ, we are invited to acknowledge, realize, and accept the truth that Jesus is the real God, who is still alive.

Though he was crucified by Pontius Pilot, he rose to a new life after three days to save the world. And this truth was witnessed by his apostles.

Today, many people are in search of a real God. People travel across countries in search of God. Some people try to know more about different religions, traditions, and culture. But I am sure that those who are leaving Christianity and going to other religions to experience God never succeed in their life. Such people are spending their life in frustration and have regrets for their mistakes. Nowadays, many people change their religion, i.e., convert from Christianity to other religion thinking that other religion’s gods are real. Unfortunately, it is not the reality of what they are searching for in their life.

Through the gospel reading, Lord Jesus is helping us to find the real God in our life. There is no doubt that Jesus is the real God, because God-the Father and God-the Son are one. Father is in the Son and Son is in the Father and they are one. Those who believe in Jesus, believe in God. And those who believe in Jesus are filled with Holy Spirit to do great things in life. So, let us keep our faith in Jesus to live in truth and to live a life of happiness and peace.


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