Jesus Works Through Ordinary People

By Kulandai Albert csc –
Readings: Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22

Today’s Gospel reading is about the call of the first disciples. Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James, and John to follow and accompany him in his ministry. There are two things happening sequentially: one, calling of a few very ordinary people for a great ministry and the other, immediate positive response of the disciples. Many of us are looking for an extraordinary life or for God’s intervention in an extraordinary way.

But today’s Gospel reminds us that God works in us in a very ordinary way and intervenes through ordinary people, as Jesus called the ordinary people for a great ministry. Sometimes we may be looking for help or support or a person to share our struggles, difficulties, or life experience. And we will be looking for a great person who is well versed to assist us and waiting for a great opportunity to meet. But today Jesus invites us to share with people with whom we live; our friends, family, and community members, with whom we spend more time because they understand and know about us.

More than that Jesus gives an assurance that he will assist us by calling ordinary people for his ministry in gospel. In the first reading, St. Paul speaks about universal salvation which helps us to strengthen our faith in Jesus. Therefore, let us trust in each other by sharing, showing concern, and believing that Jesus works through ordinary people in an extraordinary manner.