Jesus Offers Hope, Strength and Guidance

Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc –

Readings: Act 4:1-12; Jn 21:1-14

Today’s readings tell us the importance of the authority of Jesus, which brings salvation.

Today’s first reading highlights the bold witness of Peter and John, who proclaimed that only in Jesus is salvation found. Peter, who denied Jesus three times and later went back to his profession of fishing, encounters resurrected Jesus. This encounter has a transformative impact on his faith. The bold witness of Peter and John invites us to rely on the authority of Christ in faith, even in the face of persecution.

The gospel of today reveals the authority and divine nature of Jesus through a miraculous catch of fish. This appearance and miracle of Jesus strengthen the faith of the apostles, which enables them to commit again to Jesus and later proclaim Jesus as the Lord and Savior. Today, as followers of Jesus who strive to proclaim his message and salvific action to the world, it is a challenge for us to be bold and courageous in times of trials and difficulties.

The readings of today are an inspiration for us to trust in the authority of Jesus. As we are in the season of Easter, let us deepen our relationship with Jesus and live out our faith with boldness and conviction. Let us, through our words and actions, proclaim that Jesus is always with us, who offers hope, strength, and guidance.

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