Jesus is Calling Each One of us by Name

Shanborlang Mawrie csc –

Readings: Acts 2:36-41; Jn 20:11-18

The readings invite us to seek the Lord with a humble heart. In the acts of the Apostles when Jews heard the word about Jesus Christ, they asked the Apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”

In the Gospel, we are told that Mary Magdalene anxiously ran to the tomb and found it to be empty. In both the readings we find people yearning to meet and experience the risen Christ. Let us ask ourselves whether our hearts burn with zeal to meet and experience the risen Christ? Are we able to recognize him?

The Lord has risen indeed, and he is amidst us in our daily happenings. He comes to us through different kinds of people in our struggle, helplessness and despair. He appears to us in the poor, sick, depressed, children, women, etc. Many times, we fail to recognize him in these visible and yet ordinary situations of our life. That must be the reason why Jesus called Mary Magdalene by name when she could not recognize him.

In the same way, Jesus is calling each one of us by name so that we may open our eyes to see him. He wants to help us to recognize him and enrich our life through his presence. Let us humble ourselves before the Risen Lord and ask him for the gift to see and experience him in our life and in the life of others.