Jesus Gave His Mother to be Our Mother

By William Selvaraj csc –

Readings: 1 Tim 3: 14-16; Jn 19:25-27

Today, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. The title – Our Lady of Sorrows – focuses on how Mary shared the suffering of Jesus. Traditionally, we can say that this suffering was not limited to the passion and death event of Jesus alone, but is extended to the seven sorrows of Mary, which were foretold to her by Simeon.

We desire a life free from suffering and pain, but in reality, both hit us. God does whatever he wills and whatever is good for us. If he did not spare his only beloved Son, he will not spare us also. This feast reminds us that we are not orphans, especially during our sufferings and sorrows because we have a loving mother who carries us firmly in her heart. She stood courageously under the cross of her beloved son Jesus. We see that Mary, the mother of Jesus was not spared of any suffering. Yet her sufferings and sorrows are intimately united with that of Jesus.

The gospel reading of the day portrays Mary as Jesus’ farewell gift to us. Lord Jesus gave his body to us while he instituted the Holy Eucharist on Maundy Thursday and shed his blood on Good Friday. Only one precious gift remained with him which was the gift of his dear loving mother. Would any of us give our mother away as a gift to others? It is impossible.

But Jesus gave his mother to be our mother. He gave Mary to John as a mother and through John, gave Mary to us. We must do what John did in our daily life. He took her to his own home. Now it is a question to each of us-How many of us show our loving care and concern to our parents as we did during our childhood? Do we really respect them? Let us introspect ourselves on this feast day. Let each one of us pray to God for the virtue of kindness to treat our parents with love and care as John took care of Mary all through his life.