Invitation to Turn to God

By Roshan Minin D’Souza, CSC –

Readings: Ex 23: 20-23; Mt 18: 1-5, 10

In today’s gospel reading, we read that disciples discuss knowing ‘who would be greatest in heaven’. Jesus responds to them saying that unless you become like a child and have their character, they will not be entering into heaven.

Today, Jesus invites us to become like children, which means to have the qualities of humility, honesty, innocence, and truthfulness. We are invited to look into our life and the way we live. Very often we live our life comparing it to others’ life and consoling ourselves that we are far better than others.

Jesus came into this world to wash away our sin and invited us to live our life like that in the bible. Jesus also invited us to come to know him and turn back to him by avoiding the occasions of sin and through prayer and penance. It is an invitation for all of us to turn back to God and to be like a child and thus to have a chance to enter the kingdom of God.