Increasing My Faith

By Jijo Philip, CSC –

Readings: 1Tim 6:2-12; Lk 8:1-3

“Fight the good fight of the faith, take hold of the eternal life, which you were called and for which you made.” These are the words that echoed in my mind when I read today’s readings.

After reflecting over these words, I was really disturbed because when I look back at my life, I have done nothing to increase my faith or to keep up the faith that I have inherited from my parents. At times I try to doubt my faith in God and even his very presence in my life because most of the time I give importance to my own self than to God.

The reading reminds me the purpose of my life that I have been called to live a life according to the will of God and to put into practice my faith in a concrete way. I like to conclude this reflection with a short prayer: “I need you Jesus Christ. Grant me forgiveness for my sins. Make me a new person. I need your Holy Spirit to direct me, to strengthen me, so that I can rely on you and increase my faith in you. I need you to change me from a self-centered, self-sufficient person into your wise servant.” Amen.