Imitate the Virtues of Our Mother with Obedience

By Stephen Langsianmunga M. csc –

Readings: Gen 3: 9-15, 20; Jn 19: 25-34

Today the Church celebrates Mary as the Mother of the Church. All of us know the unique role of Mary, who fully participated in the redemptive plan of God, in the life of her Son, Christ, and in the Church.

The feast reminds us that Christ has instituted the Church and he is the head, and its mother is Mary. As we read in the gospel, Christ himself gives us his beloved mother to be the mother of all living. On another occasion, we hear Jesus saying, ‘those who do the will of my Father are my mother, brother and sister.’

At the cross, all his disciples had deserted him except for his mother and three women along with John. Mary becomes a perfect epitome of a mother because she submitted herself completely to God and did the will of God right from the time Angel Gabriel visited her till her last breath.

The first reading highlights the sin of our first parents and God’s punishment to them. This clearly shows that the punishment we receive from God are the direct consequences of our evil choices and the directions we have taken. Let us imitate Mother Mary on this day so that we develop a deeper trust in the Lord despite our human frailty and limitations. Let us pray that all our efforts may be directed to giving glory to our God. May we be given the grace to participate in the mission of God and imitate the virtues of our mother with obedience, humility, and faith.