How Patient Are You Towards Others?

By Fr. Adolf Washington

A 40-year-old man visited his old father whose vision had almost faded. As the two sat talking to each other, a dove flew in and perched on the window.

The old man asked “Son, is that a dove that perched on the window?” The son replied, “Yes dad”.

After a short while, he asked his son the same question and got the same answer. When he asked the same question the third time, his son became terribly angry saying, “This is why I hate visiting you; you keep repeating questions”.

Silent for a while, with tears welling up in his eyes, the father asked his son to go into his bedroom and fetch his old diary. He then asked his son to read page two of that diary.

The words read, “My son is 3 years old today. As we sat in front of the house playing, a dove flew in and perched on the window. My son asked me 30 times if it was a dove. I joyfully replied “yes” to each question. I cannot explain in words how happy I am that my son has learned to talk. What a wonderful day to remember!”

The son broke down crying realizing how a patient father brought him this far. He apologized realizing how impatient and unkind he was.

We can be patient with others only when our hearts are full of kindness and compassion. People who are patient and kind are those look back in gratefulness to those were patient with them on their way up in life, they are those who inherit many blessings.

The scriptures urge us “Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another”(Ephesians 4:2) Saint Paul in his letter to the Colossians urging us to reflect on the love that God has for us and to imitate that love in our relationship with one another. He exhorts “You are the people of God; He loved you and chose you for His own. So then, you must clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (Colossians 3:12).

Take time off to go down memory lane and think of all the people in your life who have been kind and patient with you and you will find it easier to be the same towards others.

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