How Can We Plant Good Seeds in Our Heart?

By Ishongkun Kurbah csc –

Readings: 1 Tim 1:15-17; Lk 6:43-49

Jesus said that it is from within the human heart that evil intentions come, and they defile a person (Mk 7:21-23). It is hard to imagine that it is in our heart that evil is conceived, a heart where we are supposed to sow seeds that will produce good fruits. We produce good deeds when we sow good seeds in our heart, but when we conceive evil in our heart, it eventually bears evil deeds.

A murder will not take place if we do not hold grudge in our heart; abuse will not happen if we do not lust for superiority; corruption will not exist if we are not greedy and selfish. The cause of the action is what we have planted in our hearts. Likewise, sharing takes place when we are generous and kind.

Forgiveness and reconciliation come when we long for peace and healing. Good and encouraging words come out from our mouth when our heart intends to do so. Goodness and charity are fruits that come from a pure heart that conceive no evil intentions but craves for holiness. Blessed and fortunate are those that have a heart where all the evil intentions are planted, and bad fruits produced can be uprooted and cleansed to be replanted with new and good seeds that will bear good fruits.

How can we plant good seeds in our heart? It is by listening to the word of Jesus, conceive it and put it into practice. For listening alone is not enough, but we have to work, for Jesus said in the gospel ‘why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do what I tell you.’ It is when we do what we have heard from Jesus that we can build a strong foundation for ourselves. Even when we face temptations of different kinds that come like tempest and storm, the good tree that we have planted will not be uprooted but remains firm and strong to bear good fruits. It is a constant struggle to cleanse and uproot the bad seeds from out heart and plant with the new and good ones. But it is never impossible.

We have many examples such as St. Paul, St. Augustine, or it could be our own parents, friends, relatives, and people we have met in our life, people who have changed their life from being bad to being good.