Honour and Thank Mary for Her Role in God’s Plan of Salvation

By Pritam Dangwar csc.

Readings: Gen 3:9-15,20; Eph 1:3-6,11-12; Lk 1: 26-38

As we enter the Advent season, we hear the good news of Emmanuel, the Son of the Most High, who is coming to save us. The word of God calls us to be humble and faithful servants, like Mary, who accepted God’s will with trust and joy.

In the first reading, we see how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought sin and alienation into the world. They lost their original holiness and blamelessness, and their relationship with God was broken. But God did not abandon them. He promised to send a saviour who would crush the head of the serpent and restore them to grace.

In the second reading, we learn that this saviour is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was chosen before the foundation of the world to be our redeemer. He is the one who makes us holy and blameless in God’s sight, and gives us a share in his inheritance as his adopted children.

In the gospel reading, we witness the fulfilment of God’s promise in the annunciation of angel Gabriel to Mary. He tells her that she has found favour with God, and that she will conceive and bear a son, who will be called Emmanuel, which means “God is with us”. Mary responds with humility and obedience, saying, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” She becomes the mother of God and the mother of all living, the new Eve who brings life and salvation to the world.

Today, let us honour and thank Mary for her role in God’s plan of salvation. Let us ask her to intercede for us, and help us follow her example of faith and service. Let us entrust ourselves to her maternal care, and to her son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.