His Love for Me Increases

By Jacob Perikala csc –

Readings: Jer 7:23-28; Lk 11:14-23

The readings of the day invite me to listen to the one who created me and obey his command. He is calling me to come out of my comfort zone. My comfort zones are barriers between me and
God. At times, they make me go away from God. At present, my comfort zones are filled with technology, selfishness, negativity, etc. Some of these in themselves are not bad but I use it only for selfish needs and pleasures. With my limited knowledge, I try to learn some things and boast of my achievements.

As long as victory, power, and money are with me, I go away from God. The stronger I am in this world, the weaker I become in my relationship with God. I think that when I master a few things, I become great. In that process, I fail to master the one thing, which is most essential for a human being, which is to sit at the foot of Jesus and listen to him. The readings are inviting me to be always faithful to God in my life.

Sometimes, I may go far from God, yet his love for me increases because I am his child. In whatever situation, position, and status I may be, I am called to work according to his commandments so that after my life on earth, I may be reunited with him in the heavenly abode.