Help People Who Are in Need

By Martin M. Muthu csc –

Readings: Lev 25: 1. 8-17; Mt 14: 1-12

As I was going through the readings of today, I realized the link between the “fear of God” and the “fear of the people”. In the first reading, God is instructing us saying “you shall fear your God” (Lev 25:17). And in the Gospel reading, we realize that it is because of the fear of the people around that made Herod to kill John the Baptist (Mt 14:11).

If we sit back and ponder upon our lives, we may see the same mistakes as Herod did in his life. We fail to fear the true God who is in our heart; but put our own gods (people/worries) in our mind which blocks us from doing good. There were times I had an intention to do good for my family and community. Yet out of fear and criticism, I failed to express it in action. Many times, I was successful in my given responsibilities and initiatives,
whenever I acted with the fear of God.

The fear of God needs to be seen through our way of life. When we are righteous and truthful in everything, even the people around us will be in fear of the God. Often, we underestimate the power and the presence of God the Spirit within us, and we may act cowardly. Thus, we too fall into corruption, wrong judgments, and oppressing members of our family/ community.

Today, let us realize the status of our spiritual life and be filled with the fear of God and extend our helping hands to the people who are in need.