Help People Live Dignified Life


Preet Anupam Beck csc.

Readings: Rom 8:12-17; Lk 13:10-17

The readings of the day invite me to have preferential option for those who are in the lower strata of society.

The first reading encourages me to walk in the Spirit and be a brother to all. If all of us are in brotherhood, then the suffering of the other must also be our suffering. If I tell a poor person that you are a child of God, I must be ready to share with him the earthly gifts and things which God has given me.

The Gospel of the day portrays Jesus healing a crippled woman on the Sabbath day. He was criticized by the rulers of the synagogue for blessing her with his healing power and liberating her from all that really crippled her. Jesus called them hypocrites for their hard- heartedness and stubbornness. He invited them to realize that there is nothing in the law which forbids good deeds being carried out even on the Sabbath.

This incident teaches me that serving the poor and making them to be equal with others in society is not easy. Some of the socio-political situations of our society cripple the people in different ways. The practice of caste system never allows the people of lower caste to live a dignified life in the society.

I am impelled to think that the poor need to be freed from the slavery of poverty and I should be doing something about it. Surely, I can pray for them, but I am called to contribute towards this noble cause in deeds. This may be difficult and I may face opposition but this is what the Lord calls me to do.