Heed When Jesus Calls Follow Me

By Preet Anupam Beck cs

Readings: Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22

The readings of the day invite me to ‘Follow Jesus’, live his life and reproduce him through my conduct. For this I am invited to study Jesus in the Holy Bible; because by studying him I know him, and in knowing him I love him, and in loving him I impress his spirit upon my mind; thus I come to imitate him.

I am already a child of God through Baptism. I had been washed in it and confirmed in my belief and given the Eucharistic nourishment in memory of Jesus. As I share in his priestly, prophetic and kingly ministry by the virtue of my Baptism I am called to serve all people out of my faith that he loved me and died for me and rose for me and that he offers me a share in his life.

To respond to the call of God I am challenged to live a life of faith which consists of two things: forming my judgements in conformity to the principles of the gospel and directing my actions according to its practical counsels. I am invited through the gospel to leave my boat behind and follow Jesus. The boat of my pride, prejudices, selfishness, and negativity and heed Jesus who calls me “Follow me.”.