He Will Deliver Us From This Scourge

By Vimal Kumar A. csc –

Readings: Tob 3: 1-11a, 16 -17a; Mk 12: 18 – 27

Today’s readings are unburdening us from the extreme fear and anxiety during this Covid-19 pandemic. The novel coronavirus has impacted everyone’s life in drastic ways.

Some people have lost their jobs and livelihoods; some are experiencing unbearable loneliness and desperation. On the other hand, it is agonizing to think that we have a better future to live, or we are doomed without hope.

Like Sadducees in the gospel, we may have several questions to ask the Lord, especially in this pandemic when we see beloved ones suffer and die. However, Jesus refocuses our attention during this second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic with an assurance and hope to make us aware that God does not abandon us.

Our God is not of the dead but of the living. He created us out of nothing and has the power to grant us a new life. In the first reading, as Sara continued in prayer with tears to seek God’s help with a hope that he would deliver her from her reproach. God sent his angel to aid both Sara and Tobit.

With this assurance, let us put our faith in the Lord that he will deliver us from this scourge. Let us turn to him with our fervent hope in prayers for good health and to end to this pandemic. Through these readings, we are called to pray for our loved ones who have succumbed to the virus. Let us pray for them and remain with fervent hope and faith that God will deliver us from this ongoing pandemic.