Have a Constant Faith in God

By Vimal Kumar A, CSC –

Readings: Rom 4: 20 – 25; Lk 12: 13 – 21

Today, “Saving” is a prominent aspect of contemporary living in areas of commerce, trade, wealth, possessions, income, investment etc. However, accumulation of wealth does not guarantee security and inner freedom.

Today’s readings invite me to meditate on the phrase ‘Seek the treasures in terms of values and Virtues’. The readings insist me that one’s life is not secured by the amount of wealth that one has or the power that one possesses. The accumulation of wealth and possession leads to loss of my inner freedom, contentment and happiness in my life. It tends to make me egoistic and insensitive towards the needy and marginalized.

The reading urges me to ask myself, to what extent do I desire material things? What am I, in fact, living for? Do I believe I can derive my complete satisfaction from the money alone that I now have or that I intend to have in my future?

My ultimate saving and investment is not the possession and wealth but it is the satisfaction that I derive from giving myself in service of others. Abraham, whose righteousness and concrete faith St. Paul mentions in the first reading, reminds me to forgo the excessive possession of material things in order to experience the inner freedom and humility to follow the Lord and to discern his will.

My secured life is based on virtues that I hold within. It is only through the relationship with Jesus and others that I can value myself about how rich I am: richness of thoughts, a benign heart of kindness to the poor, a constant faith in God and love for others.