Have Faith Like Elijah and John the Baptist

By Praveen Bandula csc –

Readings: Sir 48: 1-4, 9-11; Mt 17: 10-13

Elijah was one of the greatest prophets among all prophets in the Jewish community. They regard him as great and special because of the mighty wonders he performed during his lifetime. God had given him a special blessing, i.e. to be lifted to heaven with body and soul. At the same time, John the Baptist was also considered as a great prophet because he was the voice people heard in the wilderness to prepare the way for Messiah, as prophesied by the prophets. Today’s readings present to us John the Baptist, as Elijah the one who is to come at the end of time.

Jewish people are expecting Elijah to return to save them from their slavery. And he will show them Messiah, the saviour. But when we hear from Jesus that Elijah had come, we immediately refer to John the Baptist. We find prophecies fulfilled in him as a messenger for the coming Messiah. There are many similarities between Elijah and John the Baptist. They both faced the anger of the queens, lived in deserts, were courageous to speak the word of God, preached repentance and found the favour of the Lord.

Today, by giving us the example of two great personalities in the scripture, mother Church is inviting us to be faithful to the will of God. We are chosen and called by God to give witness to his love and compassion. So, let us continue to have faith in him that he will fill us with his Spirit to proclaim the good news boldly like Elijah and John the Baptist to establish the kingdom of God on earth.