Have Complete Hope, Faith, and Belief in Jesus

By William Selvaraj R csc –

Readings: 2 Tim 4:10-17; Lk 10: 1-9

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Luke, the Evangelist who was the inspired author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. The gospel passage portrays Jesus sending his disciples to preach the good news. He equipped his disciples with authority over unclean spirits and taught them ways of carrying out the mission among people.

As disciples were sent out to preach and give Christ to the listeners, we are being called to be part of the mission of Jesus by way of our ministerial priesthood and common priesthood. We are called to share in his mission. Jesus gives them specific instructions to be simple and humble and always work together in pair and give mutual support and strength to each other during times of conflict, to carry forward the mission.

As a disciple I too should have certain detachment from material possessions and family relations. Only then can I be effective in carrying forward the mission of Jesus. My life should never contradict the message I preach to the people. So, I must strive to live an exemplary life. The mission belongs to God. As his disciples, we are the real ambassadors of his mission and his messenger to every town and village.

In the present society, there will be opposition and rejections which are part of the mission on which Jesus has sent us. We may face conflicting situations during our journey from those who oppose the good news. As his disciples, we should totally depend on God for food and shelter as was in the case of the people of Israel in Exodus. We may face all kinds of difficulties, struggles, problems, hardships on our way. We should be prepared well in advance to overcome these problems. We should have complete hope, faith, and belief in Jesus that he has called us and will protect us each and every day of our lives.