Have a Thankful Heart

By Amala William, CSC _

Readings: 2Kgs 5:14-17; 2 Tim 2:8-13; Lk 17:11-19

Readings of the day invite us to reflect upon the theme ‘Being thankful’. In the first reading the unbeliever Naaman was healed from leprosy. In return, as gratitude, he carried soil from Israel and gave up his faith in false gods and accepted the Lord.

In the Gospel we read about Jesus healing ten persons affected by leprosy. At the instruction of Jesus they went on their way to show themselves to the priests, but only a Samaritan returned to Jesus and fell at his feet and thanked him.

In the readings, we see two different healings from God. it reminds me about the importance of health. It is the people who want to recover from some illness who seem to be flocking to the retreat centers or going on pilgrimages. Later, they too bear testimony in those sessions. The focal point for us today is the very many benefits we receive from God. Are we thankful to god for them?

In my personal life I take for granted many things received from God and his creation. Those people I know dearly like my parents, companions and elders: hardly have I thanked them. My prayers are supposed to be a ‘Thanksgiving offertory to God’. Often they are selfish, flowery, written script for the people who have gathered in a place. My expression of thanks shows the realization of goodness around me. Just thanking God for everything could be a formula to grow as an optimistic person. It gives me courage and confidence to grow as a better person. A thankful heart rejoices over the love of God and sends the fragrance of faith to the people. Let our life itself be the symbol of thanksgiving to all.