Grow in the Good of Your Brethren

Thomas Lima csc –

Readings: Jer 31:1-7; Mt 15:21-28

In today’s first reading Saint Paul warns us against self-exaltation and pride. According to him the ministers of the word must be humble, faithful, accountable and must be ready to endure

He says that by enduring sufferings and persecutions for Christ’s sake one can lay claim to true apostleship. He has endured innumerable sufferings. He also claims spiritual fatherhood over his converts: they are his very own children. For he guided them to new life through the Gospel. He invites the followers to pay any price to share the Gospel and to be at the service of the people.

In the Gospel we see that the pharisees who loved the strict observance of silly laws question Jesus’ disciples for breaking the Sabbath laws. They claimed to be the ministers of God but failed to celebrate God’s goodness through life promoting activities.

Jesus who encouraged the deeds of love on the day of the Lord defended his disciples and asserted that human needs have precedence over rituals and traditional practices. Responding to the invitations of the readings of the day, I need to grow in seeking the good of my brothers and sisters in all circumstances with merciful love, respect and kindness.