Grow in Holiness Every Day of My Life

By Stephen Langsianmunga Malneu csc –

Readings: Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13:1-9

God has endowed each of us with gifts and talents equally but differently. Humanly speaking, the gifts that each one of us has received may be different but are same from the divine perspective. They are same because God has a divine plan for each of us and each one is responsible for fulfilling the divine tasks within our capability. We exist in this world for a purpose, not merely living for one’s own interest. One cannot live for one’s own self-motive, comfort, and happiness. A person cannot become perfect without living or sharing his life for others.

There can be no inner joy when a person lives for his own security and welfare. Similarly, in our life, a reward is gained only when one does something good for others. Hence, the very purpose of our life is to be fruitful in our own little ways. To be fruitful means to grow in the divine love and in the goodness of Christ and build the love of Christ in the hearts of the people.

Despite being good and fruitful, we become fruitless and unproductive in life due to our sinful nature. There are many unwanted elements that grow within me which have hindered me from doing good at times. Sometimes, we tend to insult others than doing good for them. But the assurance of God is merciful, no matter how bad I am. God’s judgment on sin will come in due course.

Therefore, the only thing I must realize is to turn to the Lord with a change of heart before it is too late and grow in holiness every day of my life.