Grow in Holiness and be Fruitful

Shanborlang Mawrie csc –

Readings: Jer 7: 1-11; Mt 13: 24-30

The Gospel of the day makes me to reflect and see my life like a field in which good and evil exist. Wheat and weed grow together in the field.

If I reject the Word of God and revelation of God which comes from the scripture, I will not grow. The result is that I will not be able to produce fruits. I firmly believe that our God is a God of mercy who waits patiently for me even though I go away from his presence.

He gives me plenty of opportunities and time to change and improve myself. Weeds can spoil and even destroy a good harvest. If I do not separate and destroy the weeds at the proper time, I become the loser.

Therefore, every day I should become aware of myself and check whether the wheat or weed is growing within me. God is patiently teaching me to live by his words that have been planted in my heart.

However, I should become aware of the destructive force of sins and evils which can destroy my life. God will reward me according to what I sow and nurture in this life. Therefore, I humbly pray to God to help me grow in holiness and be fruitful.