Grow as Men and Women of God

By Naresh Namindla csc –

Readings: Jos 3: 7-10a,11,13-17; Mt 18: 21- 19: 1

Prophet Moses was a man of God, leading people of Israel to the promised land under the guidance of God. Moses did all that was commanded by God, therefore, the people of Israel knew and believed Moses as a man of God. In the place of Moses, Joshua is a new leader, leading the people of Israel to the promised land.

God wants the people of Israel to believe in Joshua as a man of God as much as they believed in Moses. Therefore, God spoke to Joshua and asked him to lead the people of Israel to cross the river of Jordan in a commanding manner.

Thus, the people believed that Joshua was a man of God and realized that God lives among them and leads them through prophet Joshua.

Likewise, for us to become people of God, Jesus says we have to forgive others as many times as we can. At times, all of us behave like the servant in the gospel. He was forgiven but he failed to forgive his fellow-servant who had a debt to pay him.

It is easy to ask for forgiveness from others, but it is challenging to forgive someone who commits a mistake against us. Therefore, today’s gospel reading invites us to grow as men and women of God by strengthening and deepening our relationship with him through our personal prayer and commitment.