Greatness is in Loving Service of Downtrodden

By Jessel Cutinha csc –

Readings: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Js 3:16-4:3; Mk 9:30-37

The gospel of the day invites us to be humble servants of Jesus all through our life on earth. The disciples of Jesus were arguing about who among them was the greatest. The disciples thought that the kingdom of God was something where they would get power and position. The criterion to enjoy the kingdom of God is to suffer for the mission of Christ.

After spending a lot of time with Jesus, his apostles had failed to understand his mission. They did not want to take initiative to ask Jesus to clarify their doubts.

Knowing their thoughts well, Jesus placed before them an example of a little child and challenged them to be open, receptive, fearless, dependent, and centred around others. A child is a symbol of innocence and dependence. Children respect the elders and are humble. Jesus calls us to be child-like in our attitude and in dealing with our ego. Jesus told them that true greatness can be found in the loving service of the downtrodden, marginalized, poor and the needy in society.

As leaders of the Church, we are called to be a model for servant leadership and be a servant of all, be the least of all, by taking the true living model of Jesus who is a great example for servant leadership. Let us ask ourselves whether we really understand the kingdom of God or do we argue with each other for getting positions of power? Do we thank God for the present conditions in which we enjoy a good life in society?