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Gratitude is Attitude

By Eldho Augustine csc.

Readings: Wis 6: 1-11; Lk 17: 11-19

The story of the ‘Thankful Leper’ is a powerful reminder of the importance of gratitude. In the account, Jesus heals ten lepers, but only one returns to thank him. Jesus is disappointed that the other nine did not show gratitude for their healing.

Gratitude is an essential part of our living. We must train ourselves to be filled with thanksgiving and express it. But the expression of gratitude is sometimes time-consuming. Often, it requires going out of our way, delaying some of our urgent appointments. A life of thanksgiving is a life of prayer. We should pray and be grateful for what we have before we start our day.

Were all ten lepers healed? Yes. Were they all saved? Yes, all ten lepers were healed by Jesus. The nine were healed physically but not spiritually. At times we are healed physically but the spiritual healing demands a grateful heart. Let us be grateful to people who have contributed and helped in our growth process.