God’s Power Will Sustain Us

By Eedara Vamshi csc –

Readings: Acts 9:31-42; Jn 6:60-69

Today, both the readings invite us to believe in the resurrection of Christ. Those who believe in Jesus will experience the fullness of life in their lives. In the first reading, we see St. Peter performing a miracle in the name of the risen Lord by healing Tabitha. This reminds me of the transformative power of faith and how God works through everyone to bring about profound change in society.

In today’s context, many people are struggling to believe in the possibility of miracles and divine intervention in each other’s lives. The story of Tabitha’s healing gives us a reminder that nothing is impossible with God. It also challenges us to reconsider our own beliefs and faith in God’s ability and look at the wonders that he has done in our lives.

In the gospel reading, Jesus challenges his disciples by asking a question. St. Peter, on behalf of his friends, gives the response that Jesus has the words of eternal life. This shows how much faith he had in Jesus.

Today Jesus asks the same question to each one of us, and our response should also be like that of St. Peter, ‘you have the words of eternal life.’ We sometimes may face difficulties and spiritual dryness, but we should not give up but stand firm in our faith by trusting in God’s power to guide and sustain us through every trial and tribulation that comes our way.

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