‘God Loves a Cheerful Giver’

Tarsish Marak csc

Readings: 2Cor 9:5-11; Mt 6:1-6,16-18

The gospel of the day speaks of three kinds of religious acts: charitable giving, praying, and fasting. I believe that helping is morally good and it is good to help those who are in need.

Jesus wants each of us to ask ourselves, why we do What we do? Is it to show off? Jesus asks us not to do good deeds simply to make others think well of us. Jesus wants us to be aware of our motivation for what we do. He wants us to help others, love others, and make the world a better place.

Therefore, he invites us to make sure that what we do should be done without publicity. Our act of charity to people needs to be in private which is pleasing to God. God always knows our words, actions, and our desires. Many times, we forget about our motivation. St. Paul says, ‘God loves a cheerful giver’.

So as followers of Christ Jesus, we must be joyful givers. In the eyes of God all are equal, and there cannot be any discrimination. We need to show our love and give our love to them in a tangible way. When we give ourselves without any expectations, the motivation is true, and mission of Jesus is complete. God will reward us on account of our actions and faithfulness.

Therefore, let us pray to God, that we may be able to give ourselves for the glory of God, the Father.