God is Greater Than Our Failures

By Vimal Kumar A. csc –

Readings: Col 1:9-14; Lk 5:1-11

Today’s gospel demonstrates our day-to-day expectations, failures, and disappointments which the apostles also faced before their calling. The apostles had fished all night long with no catch, with their expectations turning into disappointment.

Failures and disappointments are an inevitable part of our life. Sometimes, we find it difficult to cope with them like the apostles. We need a solution or a way to turn our failures and disappointments into steppingstones. Perhaps God is the only way, a guide and source to subdue all our failures. Our strength, abilities, and skills may fail us, but not God. We may lose faith in ourselves after facing endless failures, but we should never lose trust in God, who never fails us.

We must believe that God is greater than our failures. Even if we are self-sufficient, wealthy, and capable; we can fall prey to our failures and disappointments if there is no God in our lives. Let us pray that we will allow ourselves to be guided by the Lord in accordance with his will and act upon his word.