God Gives Opportunity to Renew Faith

By Joseph Inbaraj csc –

Readings: Job 1:6-22; Lk 9:46-50

The readings the day invite me to reflect on the theme-“To become a tool in the hands of God”. In the first reading, God used Job as a tool to prove to the world that fear of God alone would pay a way to avoid evil. Job was able to accept the plan of God because he trusted him even at the point of great loss.

In the Gospel reading, a child was used as a tool by Jesus to make the people understand who is the greatest in the world. And further, he promised that God’s love and gifts are not only to the disciples or Jews but for all who fear God.

These readings help me to become a tool of God. I need to fear God and be aware of the work of evil that prevents my growth. Every day I am given ample opportunities to be a tool of God. At this time of Covid-19 and natural calamities, God gives me an opportunity to renew my faith in him and to lend my hands to those who are in need by which I can be a person of Jesus through my words and actions. If I display my faith through my acts of kindness and patience during this pandemic, I will be a tool in the hands of God.