God Forgives Those Who Forgive Others

Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc –

Readings: Sir 44:1, 9-13; Mk 11:11-25

The fig tree in the gospel of the day, symbolizes our life in Christ. It invites us to trust in God’s providence all the time and to be rooted in Christ. We are people of God and as people of God we are always expected to bear fruits. How can we bear many fruits?

Today’s gospel gives answer to this. First, we should be rooted in Christ. To be rooted in Christ is to have faith in God. Second, we should spend quality time in prayer and treat the Lord’s temple as a house of prayer. Third, we should forgive one another, it is through our forgiveness we receive forgiveness for ourselves.

Forgiving others is a sign that we are forgiven by God. From the fig tree and the temple events in the gospel of the day we can also learn that our true worship can bear good fruits and promote faith and life in God. It is sure that our fruitless, empty, and wrong way of life does not please God. We are also invited to nurture the gifts that we have in us. These gifts must be shared with those who are hungry for salvation, those who thirst to hear the word of God.