God Alone Can Deliver Us From Bondages

By Thomas IVD –

Readings: 2Kgs 25:1-12; Mt 8:1-4

Today’s gospel tells us of the generosity of the heart of Jesus. He was in the great crowd, but he was interested to focus on a leper. The leper was a despised, feared, shunned nobody. But he becomes the object of divine attention.

So, let me be the leper now. For a few moments let me into the blessed mystery of being loved and healed. And later let me reach out to someone who is nobody, and show him/her my love and care. Let this miracle be re-enacted in my time and place. So now let us allow ourselves to receive his divine healing power to get rid of all our doubts.

In the first reading we see that Jerusalem is seized and attacked by Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon. Now people starts to face humiliation, ridicule and suffering. In the sight of God Jerusalem is the spouse of God. This spouse must realize that God alone can deliver us from the bondages.