Go to Jesus and Feel his Healing Touch

Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc.

Readings: 1 Kgs 8: 1-7, 9-13; Mk 6: 53-56

The readings of the day call us to recognize the presence of God in our lives. The gospel depicts that the people of Gennesaret recognized Jesus, and they surrendered all their worries, sufferings, and illnesses to him. This belief in the power of Jesus’ presence brought healing and restoration to their lives. Similarly, in the first reading, Solomon dedicated the newly built temple in Jerusalem, and as a result, God’s glory filled the temple. This shows that God’s presence was among His people. Thus, both the readings of the day emphasize the significance of experiencing the presence of God.

While the first reading speaks of the consecration of a physical temple, the gospel reading calls us to consecrate our entire life to God. This consecration enables us to encounter God in our lives and feel Jesus’ presence, bringing spiritual fulfilment and healing. Today, we are invited to seek God’s presence consistently, not just in times of need or sickness, but also in moments of joy and gratitude.

Therefore, let us strengthen our faith and trust in Jesus, as today’s responsorial psalm declares those blessed who place their trust in God. Placing our trust in God makes it easier for us to recognize His presence in our midst. Finally, let us have the courage, like the people of Gennesaret, to go to Jesus and feel his healing touch.