Give Hope to People Around Us

By Nibin K Cyriac csc –

Readings: Mic 2: 1-5; Mt 12: 14-21

We see two kinds of leaders in the gospel -Pharisees and Jesus. Pharisees tried to destroy the life of Jesus whereas Jesus valued life and brought people back to life through his miracles. We hear in the Bible that Jesus was a compassionate leader whereas Pharisees (some at least) and the other leaders of the Jews burdened people with rules and regulations.

Pharisees were law-abiding citizens but gave least importance to the purpose of it. Jesus followed the model of ‘Responsible Disobedience’ (disobey rules which devalue human being). Jesus did not love fame, but the leaders of the Jews loved higher positions and status in the society. We see a clear distinction between Jesus and the other leaders.

This is our time to decide. Where do I stand? Am I compassionate and humble in my actions? Do I respect the dignity of others? The second part of the gospel speaks about how one should act by getting inspired by Jesus. The gospel invites us to proclaim justice, not to make loud noises about our good deeds but to bring justice to victory. Let us turn away from our wicked ways and identify the presence of God in our life. Let our life be a hope to the people who live around us.