Give Glory to Christ

By Amalraj A, CSC –

Readings: Col 2: 6-15; Lk 6: 12-19

A famous Australian tennis player Peter was once asked when he was on his death bed suffering from cancer: ‘Why has God given you such a sickness, out of so many people in the world?’ With a sense of acceptance said, ‘Among millions of people all over the world, God gave me chance to win the title 5 times in singles and 19 times in double, and I did not ask God, ‘why me?’ As I accepted it then, I accept the sickness now.”

Jesus called 12 apostles from his disciples. It must have been a great honor for those 12 disciples. It is never to be forgotten that there were several hundreds of people following him and coming to listen to Jesus, most of who did not get the privilege of being the disciple or apostle. It is also important to be aware of the kind of suffering that they went through later in life.

I felt honored when I was called to follow Jesus. In fact there were moments I was very happy about my life. All those moments call me to be holy and remain as a determined religious in following Christ. This invitation also indirectly means for me to be ready for the challenges that would come my way. Those who were in close relationship with the Lord had the courage to face the challenges and sufferings. Now I am called to be in close relationship with the Lord to face the challenges that will come in my life and give glory to Christ.